Tuesday, October 8, 2013


The air is getting crisp... fall boots are coming out of the closet... and the time is ripe to visit your favorite farmers market and bring home a peck of fresh-picked apples!

We are so lucky to have an abundance in apple varieties here in Massachusetts. Buy your favorite or explore new varieties! There are plenty of them out there.

Take a gander at our list below for best uses or, even better, ask your farmer!

McIntosh: This two-toned succulent apple is great for eating fresh or cooking up into applesauce and apple pies or crisps as it breaks down easily. Try 'em in the Falmouth Farmers Market's recipe for Oven-Roasted Apple Sauce

Empire: A relatively new variety, whose flavor is sweeter than McIntosh and more tart than Red Delicious. The complex flavors make it a culinary hit.

Cortland: Is a great all-purpose apple. Moderately juicy and fairly sweet compared to McIntosh, it browns slowly once cut, making it one of the best choices for use in salads and sandwiches where you want to have a nice presentation. Perfect for the Bowdoin Geneva Farmers Market's Apple and Spinach Salad with Grated Beets recipe! It is also delicious in pies, sauces, and cider.

Granny Smith: For a more tart option, look no further than Granny Smith, this green apple is great for baking and eating fresh.  Looking for a good recipe? Check out the Belmont Farmers Market's recipe for Apple Cranberry Crisp.

Golden Delicious: Yellow in color and keeps well; good for use in desserts, salads and cider.

Pink Lady: Crisp, tart, and honey-sweet; this variety is ready later in the season around mid-October and great for eating fresh, cooking, and baking. Bake 'em up into this Apple Pie, recipe courtesy of the Hampden Farmers Market.

Fuji: Another late season variety, Fuji is a great fresh-eating apple that keeps well for months in the refrigerator!

Some Vendors to pay a visit: Nicewicz Family Farm, Kimball Fruit Farm, Dick's Market Garden, Cook's Farm Orchard (for some delicious apple pies), Foppema's Farm, Hamilton Orchards (for amazing apples and appley baked goods),  and MacArthur Farm
Pick up some of your favorite apples this week at your nearest farmers market and let us know how you decide to use them in the comments. Fresh eating? Pie making? Applesauce? We want to know!

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